Energy Flow Tai Chi and Qigong

Deep relaxation, inner peace, grounding, and vitality

Saturday Mar 02, 2024 to Saturday Mar 09, 2024


Guests at Cortijo Romero regularly comment on how much they enjoy the pre-breakfast morning sessions of either tai chi or yoga. Usually held up on the roof, whilst surrounded by the inspiring mountains of the Sierra de Lujar these sessions can make for a very special experience, and Simon gets enthusiastic feedback as our resident pre-breakfast Tai Chi and Qigong teacher.

In addition to complementing our 2023 programme with early morning Tai Chi sessions, Simon will be facilitating a retreat week solely dedicated to Tai Chi and Qigong to enable you to dive deeper.

All aspects of human life - physical, emotional, mental and spiritual - depend upon our energy levels. This week will focus on helping you to either gain back your depleted energy, or empower you to reach higher levels of it.

Tai Chi and Qigong is a body mind energy management system that comprises breathing technique, balance and neuromuscular training as well as stress, and emotional management. Tai Chi elicits the relaxation response and balances the autonomic nervous system thus regulating respiration, heart rate, blood pressure and vitality in general.

With regular practice Tai Chi has been shown to increase lung capacity, improve physical posture, cognitive functioning and mental health. Medical research cites that Tai Chi has been observed to improve the quality of life for some people struggling with long Covid, COPD, chronic fatigue, PTSD, depression, and other medical and mental health conditions.


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01494 765775 or email us at

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