Staying Sane in a Crazy World

Slow down, and bring home a suitcase full of ease and calm

Saturday Mar 02, 2024 to Saturday Mar 09, 2024


You know how it is... sometimes life gets a bit frenetic and you’re just running from one thing to another. You’re tired but you just can’t stop. Your mind is fizzing from juggling To Do lists. Sometimes you feel quite high from the adrenaline rush.

How do you manage your response to the state of the world around you? It can be overwhelming. You can find yourself swinging from doom-scrolling despair to head-in-the-sand denial, both of which increase a sense of powerlessness. Sometimes you feel lost, shattered and on the edge of burnout.

Time to slow down...

This retreat gives you a chance to do just that. During the session times you will learn some really neat practices to take home with you. Mindfulness, setting boundaries, self-compassion, becoming embodied, and enjoying stillness.

When you go back home it will be with a suitcase full of ways to pick up your busy life and fill it with moments of spaciousness and the confidence to say 'no' to the things that don’t benefit you. This gives you the energy to say a wholehearted 'yes' to the things that really matter. Using the practices, you will have learnt, you’ll be able to manage those things with ease and calm.

Book now

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01494 765775 or email us at

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