Creating Space to Write

The perfect place to be inspired to put your ideas on the page

Saturday Mar 09, 2024 to Saturday Mar 16, 2024


Every writer or aspiring writer needs a time and place to write.

This retreat is about taking time for writing and creativity. It’s about the process of coming up with ideas and putting them into words. You might want to start writing, continue your writing journey or simply give yourself time to relax and enjoy the creative experience. You may have an idea for a story or poem, or an event you’ve always wanted to write about, or maybe you’re just curious about writing. Whatever your reason for coming, Cortijo Romero is the perfect place to write and be inspired – surrounded by the mountains of the Alpujarras, the warm climate, the orchard with the pomegranate and orange trees, and the pool area with coffee and tea on tap. Your characters might be inspired by the eclectic mix of people in the local town, Orgiva.

We’ll experiment with a mixed bag of writing forms - the short story (flash fiction and longer forms); writing from memory and poetry. You can choose to write fact or fiction or a mixture of both.

It’s your choice to write as much or as little as you like but there will be a mixture of prompts to get you started. We’ll also use objects and memorabilia and will read a selection of writings by published authors from Ireland and elsewhere.

The retreat will be geared towards each person’s individual writing and creative needs, and there will be time for writing, reading and discussion.

By the end of the retreat you will have read and experimented with a variety of genres and will have a clearer sense of your own unique style, and voice and the direction in which you’d like to take your writing.


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Please contact us by email:

01494 765775 or email us at

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