Mindful Practices For Authentic Living

Holistic tools for everyday life

Saturday Mar 23, 2024 to Saturday Mar 30, 2024


One of today's greatest challenges is how to stay aware of and "in tune" with our bodily felt experiences, our open heart and inner wisdom, while engaged in a busy world. Living out of touch with what is real and authentic within us carries a great cost, felt as a lack of aliveness, meaning and purpose.

We'll explore a holistic set of tools that can be integrated into our everyday life, to cultivate being fully Present. As an inner compass, this will show us when we are “in tune" or not, and will help us to orientate our inner and outer life towards what is essential, real and meaningful.

The tools used include grounding, intentional silence, meditation, somatic tracking, self inquiry and self awareness through movement. These enable us to develop and deepen our full self, our connection with each other and with the world in which we live.

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Please contact us by email: communications@cortijo-romero.co.uk

01494 765775 or email us at cr@cortijo-romero.co.uk

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