Meg Robinson

From her beautiful house in Alcázar, Meg has welcomed guests from around the world for “Healing Art Journey” retreats, to help people rediscover their sense of play, adventure and purpose in life.

Meg’s recent art has unfolded from charity work in Peru, through her recovery from cancer, to drawings and digital images inspired by Spain’s Golden Age and the expulsion of her Sephardic Jewish ancestors in 1492, and her personal journeys to discover her lost Lithuanian grandparents.

Meg is serious about her art, but humour and playfulness have always found a way of colouring her life.

Meg uses her left hand and draws with found objects such as sticks and plants stalks. She uses fun digital art techniques, sound recordings and still photography to create new ways of visual storytelling. Gradually and mindfully she finds ways to access an inner energy that doesn’t focus on the outcome.


She was brilliant. She clearly had put so much into the course… It was a privilege to have met her. large amount of materials, lots of stories, her amazing imagination. She cared for us all and drove the course gently for us in many directions. Bob Knowles.

Meg was an authentic leader, whose own passion and commitment to the joy of allowing art to flow was inspirational. She was attentive and helpful to individuals as well as the group as a whole. She coaxed and invited us to make our own discoveries,
which was such a fun experience. The week was over too quickly!!! Katie Griffiths


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